Hit a Home Run when Delegating
Becoming a leader can present unexpected curveballs, such as getting stuck on seemingly simple tasks like dividing work among team members. When leaders embrace flexibility, they can create a team in which everyone contributes in a meaningful way.
The Missing Ingredient in Delegation
As a leader, it’s important to discern when the issue with an employee’s performance might be a result of your approach to delegation. Discover why clarity is the key ingredient for overcoming challenges and enhancing performance.
Leadership Lessons from a Folk Musician
Sometimes leading well means admitting when you don't have the answer. Learn how to ask for help in a way that honors your humanity and builds connections with your team.
How I Didn’t Ruin My Weekend
I almost ruined my much-anticipated gardening weekend because my thinking got in the way. Have you been there too? Here’s the approach I used to shift my thinking and cultivate a new perspective.
How I Almost Ruined My Weekend
Gardening can be relaxing and rewarding, but not if we’ve internalized harmful messages about productivity and feel anxious when it rains because it will ruin our planting schedule.
Sales Conversations Don’t Have to Feel Shitty
A recent experience buying a car reinforced why I work to make conversations about my services as un-shitty as possible for everyone involved.
How Privilege Creates Resilience
If we aren’t careful, stories of recovery from stressful situations and building reslience can have a “pull yourself up by the boostraps” vibe. You can’t pull yourself up by the bootstraps, but you can integrate resilience-building practices into your day-to-day life.
How to Support Yourself When Shit Goes Sideways
A stressful moment doesn’t have to snowball into a stress-filled day or week. Here’s an example of how I use the Resilience Toolkit to navigate overwhelming situations.
Hate New Year’s Resolutions? Try Unpacking Your Year instead.
Use the Unpack Your Year Playbook to find a balance between structured, goal-setting spreadsheets and a too much woo-woo.
When you lead yourself to water, but you can't make yourself drink
When you struggle to achieve a goal, look for opportunities to make the first step towards the goal as small as possible. (Why? Because science!)
How are you defining success these days?
If it feels like you are ‘messing up’, you might just be evaluating your progress against the wrong criteria.
7 Lessons from Mid-Life Career Changes
Has your job lost its sparkle? Maybe it’s time for a change. Here are 7 Lessons Learned to help ground you as you figure out your own best next step.
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About once a month, I share about my personal and leadership journey to live (and build a business) in a heart-centred way that fosters resilience in a world that wears us out.
I write them so that…
You know you are not alone in your struggles to feel like you are doing enough, and that you ARE enough
You can learn about (and maybe try) some tools and techniques for yourself.
I’ll also share occasional updates about offers (from myself and practitioners I trust) and other cool stuff to support your own journey.