The Leadership Ecosystem Approach

I like to think about my approach as a Leadership Ecosystem. Just like in nature, each component is interconnected and in relationship with the other - and the combination is balanced, beautiful, and effective.

Outer Journey

The technical (brain-based) skills of what leaders do
and say

There are a lot of fundamentals and long-standing models around topics like communication, delegation, feedback, and priority management that I believe are important for any leader to know and use.

I curate the models, research, and approaches that are both heart centred and effective.

Inner Journey

Creating integrity between what you do, and how you make others feel

Developing a grounded leadership presence, building resilience, and setting boundaries all require us to get out of our heads and into our bodies.

I’ll show you how and you can feel the difference for yourself.

Unpacking our Inheritance

Take what you want and leave the rest

Just because things have ‘always been done this way’, doesn’t mean they are right. Unfortunately, must of today’s leadership models are based on a framework of capitalism and systemic inequity. Many training experiences are based on performative measures and ignore trauma-informed principles.

We’ll work together create a different experience - where your lived experience matters as much as the ‘experts’ and we’ll discern where old models and ways of thinking are no longer serving you, your team, or your goals.

Compassionate Accountability

Get the perfect amount of support and care

Somewhere between unforgiving taskmaster and having no plan at all is a sweet spot of creating healthy, manageable habits to achieve your goals. Growing as a leader can be done in a sustainable way that can have a real, lasting and cumulative impact. And, it’s not always easy.

I empower and encourage you to create a plan and grow at your own pace.

If you focus on only the Outer Journey, as many leadership workshops do, you’ll be frustrated at your lack of measurable outer progress.

Or you’ll feel like there is something wrong with you because you weren’t able translate the knowledge into results on your own.

You know, because you’ve been there.

When you bring these four elements together into a healthy leadership ecosystem, you'll feel more capable and confident and see the impact you can have as a balanced, grounded leader.

If this makes sense to you,

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